Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Rich Asshole is Still Just an Asshole...

My Ex-husband is on TV. I know, who cares? I tell you this because it's the number one reason I ghost-write this blog. While he was a very bad husband, he isn't a bad guy. And it isn't my job to publicly 'out' him.

That said, I still hold a wee bit of bitterness over him failing to mention he was planning to turn into a raging asexual narcissist the day we married. So I vent-write. It helps.

The day I left him, he gave me a signed 8x10 glossy.

No, I am not shitting you.

He signed it to 'My Biggest Fan'. A year later he sent me an updated, signed version- just so I could tell people 'I knew him when...'

He was recently hired for a more high profile position that came with a very large paycheck. I know this because he sent me a copy of his contract, you know, since I 'was there in the beginning, I could appreciate just how far he's come.' It was a dickhead thing to do.  Especially because he knows I'm a broke actor struggling to make a living.

Motherfucker did make an effort, one time, to 'win' me back. He flew out, took me to dinner, and explained that his 'picture' no longer looked as good as it used to. He had the money, he had the notoriety, he just needed a hot wife (you know, to mask that 'gay' thing?) I politely declined, and somehow managed not to gag when he tried to kiss me...twice.

This morning I received a string of photo texts from him. He wanted me to see our old furniture being moved out of our old house (that I got nothing out of in the divorce BTW) and let me know once again that he has a lot of money and a much bigger house now. Oh yeah, and he also has my cats. I got the dog, he got the cats (his request...say it with me now, "GAAAAY"). My dog died, his cats will live forever I'm sure.

Why do I suddenly feel like God hates me?  Anyway, back to those texts...

It was sweet, really. I wished him good luck and took a moment for myself to marinate in the fact that I'm no longer a part of that. What I know without a doubt is that the loneliest day of my single life has yet to be as lonely as the best day of my married life. Period.

I believe in Karma, so I'm choosing to wish him the best in his new big job. Hopefully the same will happen for me someday. If not? Fuckit. This life is still better than that one...